
Hire for People, Not Positions

Elevate Perspective & Event

Hire for People, Not Positions: The delicate balance of attracting the right talent at the right time to grow

The disrupted labor market will be one of humanity’s biggest challenges for the next few decades. For individual entrepreneurs, this means the traditional ways of finding and keeping great employees are not going to work. Your approach to hiring has to change.

Do you know if your hiring practices are sustainable? Do they set you up for the future?In this webinar, Dr. Anna Stumpf will show you how the world is changing and how it impacts entrepreneurs and startups. You will learn how to strike a balance between filling an immediate role and thinking about how a person can grow within your company over a long period of time. Stumpf will also discuss the role of education, automation and skills-focused hiring in the forthcoming “4th Industrial Revolution.”

Date/Time: February 28, 12 – 1 PM ET
Cost: Free

To see just how much the labor market has changed and will continue to change, test your knowledge below. (Answer Key follows the 6 questions.)

1) The Future of Jobs Report 2020 indicates that the amount of time humans and robots spend on current work tasks will be equal in what year?

A. 2025
B. 2050
C. 2075

2) Eventually, we will have to accept that there’s no competitive advantage in any industry based on any piece of knowledge. This is due to what?

A. People’s overdependence on existing knowledge
B. Innovation’s inevitable endpoint
C. Open AI’s ability to collect knowledge 

3) When today’s elementary school students finish high school, what percentage of jobs that exist today will have vanished by the time they graduate? 

A. 9% of jobs will be gone
B. 35% of jobs will be gone
C. 59% of jobs will be gone

4)Widescale investment in reskilling and upskilling adults has the potential to boost GDP by how much by 2030? 

A. $775.0 billion
B. $6.5 trillion
C. $33.5 trillion

5) The generational makeup of the U.S. population is changing. Can you match the percentage of share of the U.S. population (data from 2019)? 

A. Post-Gen-Z                   8.4%
B. Gen Z                            22.0%
C. Millennials                     20.3%
D. Gen X                           19.9%
E. Baby Boomers              21.8%
F. Pre-Boomer                   7.6%

6) Acquiring, training and retaining employees is expensive. The average large company spends how much on an employee per year? 

A. $81
B. $230
C. $310


Find out how knowing how to respond to these facts and figures can help you move forward in your business. Join Elevate Ventures and Dr. Anna Stumpf on February 28, 12-1 p.m., for the webinar Hire for People, Not Positions


Answer Key: 1. a.; 2. c.; 3. b.; 4. b.; 5. Post-Gen-Z (8.4%), Gen Z (20.3%), Millennials (22.0%), Gen X (19.9%), Baby Boomers (21.8%), Pre-Boomer (7.6%); 6. c.

Looking Ahead 

Creating a company culture and setting goals are two essential steps in growing a successful startup. While establishing values and goals may seem daunting, the process can be simplified by following some key tips. By taking the time to thoughtfully define your company’s core values and priorities, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your business goals. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how Elevate Ventures can help your startup grow,
reach out to one of our EIRs! 

Dr. Anna Stumpf spent 10 years in senior management at Wal-Mart before becoming a teacher at the high school and then college levels. She is now a training and development coordinator for BGBC CPAs and Advisors. Through her transitions, spanning three decades, Dr. Stumpf has connected deeply with multiple generations in a range of situations, and she uses those experiences to help others through coaching, speaking and her podcast, “Conversations with Anna; Stories to Move Your Life Forward”