
How Marketing and Sales Can Elevate Your Startup

Elevate Perspective

How Marketing and Sales Can Elevate Your Startup 


In order to have a successful startup, you need to have a great product or service that meets a real need in the marketplace. But even the best products and services will fail if you don’t have a way to get them in front of potential customers. That’s where marketing and sales come in. 

The right marketing and sales strategy can make all the difference for a startup. Marketing can help create awareness for your product or service and generate interest among potential customers. Sales can then take that interest and turn it into actual paying customers. Together, marketing and sales can be a powerful force that can help you elevate your startup above the competition. 

Generating Interest Through Effective Marketing 

First, we’ll dive specifically into marketing. A solid marketing strategy coupled with message clarity gives your internal team, as well as your customers, an immediate understanding of why your product or service is valuable and what it does. 

Here are a few basic principles to keep in mind when developing a marketing strategy for your startup: 

  1. Start with your target market. Who are you trying to reach with your product or service? Once you know who your target market is, you can develop messaging that resonates with them. Don’t try to be everything to everyone—direct your marketing to a specific target market. 
  2. Keep it simple. The best marketing campaigns are usually the ones that are simple and to the point. Don’t try to cram too much information into your message. Instead, concentrate on one primary benefit that your product or service provides. 
  3. Look at the competition. Keep an eye on what your competitors are doing. See what’s working for them and see if there are any areas where you can differentiate your own marketing efforts. 
  4. Be authentic. Your customers can tell when you’re being genuine and when you’re not. Be transparent about who you are, what you do and why you do it. This will help build trust with potential customers and make them more likely to do business with you. 
  5. Focus on the benefits. When you’re marketing your product or service, focus on the benefits that your customer will receive, rather than the features of your product or service. Customers don’t care about features. They care about how those features will make their life better. 
  6. Track your results. Keep track of your marketing campaigns and measure their results. This will help you see what’s working and what’s not. It will also give you insight into where you can improve your efforts. 
Sales: Turning Interest into Customers

Once you’ve generated interest in your product or service through marketing, it’s up to sales to close the deal. A good sales strategy will focus on building relationships with potential customers and understanding their needs, as well as being able to articulate value to potential customers. 

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when selling your startup’s product or service: 

  1. Qualify your leads. Not every lead is going to be a good fit for your product or service. Qualifying your leads before you start the sales process will help you focus your efforts on the most promising prospects. 
  2. Build relationships. Don’t just try to sell your product or service to potential customers. Build a relationship with them. Get to know them and their business. This will make it more likely that they’ll do business with you. 
  3. Understand your customer’s needs. Take the time to understand what your customer is looking for. What are their pain points? What are their goals? Once you understand their needs, you can craft a sales pitch that resonates with them. 
  4. Be prepared. When you’re meeting with a potential customer, be sure you know your product or service inside and out and be ready to answer any questions that they may have. 
  5. Keep track of your progress. As you go through the sales process, keep track of your progress with each lead. This will help you see where you are in the process and how close you are to closing the deal. 
  6. Don’t be afraid to follow up. Don’t be afraid to reach out and touch base with your leads. A simple phone call or email can go a long way in keeping the relationship alive. 
Aligning Your Sales and Marketing Efforts 

By working together closely and aligning their efforts, marketing and sales can have a big impact on your startup’s success. Here are a few ways to make sure that your marketing and sales efforts are in sync: 

  • Set common goals. What are you hoping to achieve? How can marketing and sales help each other reach these goals? By setting common goals, you can ensure that everyone is working towards the same thing. 
  • Define roles and responsibilities. Who is going to be responsible for what? This will help to avoid confusion and duplication of effort. 
  • Establish KPIs. What metrics are you going to use to measure success? This could include things like website traffic, number of leads or conversion rate. 
  • Communicate regularly. Schedule regular check-ins so everyone is on the same page. This is a great time to discuss progress, challenges, and new ideas. 

Marketing and Sales on a Budget 

You can maximize your startup’s marketing and sales efforts on a budget by doing the following: 

  • Develop an elevator pitch. You never know when you’ll have the opportunity to market your startup, so it’s important to be prepared. Develop a short, elevator pitch that you can use to quickly describe your product or service and why it’s valuable. This will come in handy when you’re networking or attending events. 
  • Leverage social media. Social media is a powerful marketing tool that can help you reach a large audience with minimal effort. Make sure you’re focusing on the social media platforms that your target market is using. 
  • Focus on content marketing. Creating and sharing valuable content is a great way to attract attention and build trust with potential customers. If you can provide helpful information that solves a problem or answers a question, you’re more likely to pique someone’s interest and get them to take notice of your product or service. 
  • Network and have conversations. If you have a brand-new startup, your time is ‘free’ (meaning you don’t need VC for conversations), and meeting with as many potential clients, investors, and stakeholders is a necessity. Listen carefully and impartially to what others are saying and not saying, and don’t take it personally if you don’t like what you hear—use feedback to shape your message.
Common Mistakes Startups Make in Marketing and Sales
  • Not having a plan. A lot of startups don’t have a clear plan for their marketing and sales efforts, they just start randomly trying different things and hope something will stick. Be sure to have a clear plan so you can focus your efforts and track your progress. 
  • Believing that money is going to solve problems. Many startups believe that they just need to spend more money on marketing and sales to see results. However, this is often not the case. In fact, most startups don’t have a large marketing budget. So, it’s important to focus on efficient and effective marketing and sales strategies. 
  • Not having a clear value proposition. Your value proposition is the reason customers should do business with you. Your startup’s value proposition should articulate the benefits of your product or service. 
  • Using too many buzzwords or industry jargon. When you’re marketing and selling to customers, use language that they will understand. Focus on communicating clearly and concisely. 
  • Failing to track results. Tracking the results of your marketing and sales efforts can help you see what’s working and what’s not, allowing you to adjust your strategies and continue to improve. 

If you’re looking for more help with marketing and sales, reach out to an EIR who can offer advice and guidance as you grow your startup. 

Additional Resources:  

Ready to build your marketing and sales team? Click here to read our Elevate Perspective: The Founder’s Guide to Building a World-Class Team.