
A Solid Accounting Foundation is Best For Your Business

Accounting as a business function is generally overlooked in the early days of a company’s life since there is often little or no cash flowing in and out. There are a lot of different ways a company can attack this piece of their business, but how will you know you are doing it right?

Having a firm foundation to grow your accounting skills upon is very important. One good resource we ran into recently was was started in 2003 to help people throughout the world learn and refresh their understanding of basic accounting and bookkeeping at no cost. Their website contains explanations of major topics, Q&A, quizzes, and much more for those entrepreneurs just starting out.

Whether you are introducing yourself to the accounting principles for the first time, or giving your brain a refresher course, this website can help you with the basics until your company is prepared and well equipped to hire an accountant or chief financial officer.