
Human Resources Plan

Human Resources Plan

Your business is going very well and needs to grow from a founding team into a corporate structure.  No matter what your product or service, people are your most important asset.  As your company matures your hiring decisions need to be well planned and anticipated.  Visionary planning is key for your company.  Anticipating your organization in the future helps you plan for growth, facilities, succession, etc.

The Human Resources Tools below provide helpful templates and directions to identify where your human resources are now and where they need to be so that you have a current and forward looking plan for hiring and contracting resources.Organization Chart: An organization chart will first help you determine where you are now and can also help you to identify and plan for future needs.  Use this template to show what you need to have now to keep your company going.

Click here for the Organizational Chart Template.

Workweek Template: Allocate time over a “Typical” workweek for key employees.  This will help you to see current needs and to anticipate future needs.  This template will require you to think out the next 5 years.  You will begin to see where needs will arise and will be able to plan one year from now, three years from now, etc. Review the sample inside the template to give you some ideas.

Click here for the Plan Workweek Template.

Succession Plan: Having a succession plan or function reassignment plan is imperative, not only for future planning but also in case of emergency replacement needs.  Detail a succession plan for each key position, specifying, by position, who, timing, training and replacement plans or search strategies.

Click here for the Succession Plan Template.

Plan Summary: Your current plan summary can help you to understand your basic “sales to employee” relationship.  This basic plan is where you are now. By position and head count totals.  Be sure to include all needed employees.  The summary should be changed to reflect your business. The template is just a guide.

Click here for the Plan Summary Template.

Now go back to your original Organizational Chart, using the information from your present structure, the allocation/reallocation of functions and the intended succession plan, draw your organization as you would expect it to look at the end of the planning horizon you have created. This is your future planning Organizational Chart.

This will give you an idea of what your human resource needs will be and enable you to plan accordingly.